39 industry associations and companies unite around inclusion of sustainable renewable fuels in the EU mobility legislation – joint letter

Posted on 30.11.2020 in News
39 industry associations and companies unite around inclusion of sustainable renewable fuels in the EU mobility legislation – joint letter

On 30 November 2020, 39 industry associations, including Sustainable Fuels sent a joint letter to Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans, Commissioner Adina Vălean, Commissioner Kadri Simson and Commissioner Thierry Breton which calls upon the European Commission to recognize and include the renewable fuel dimension in the revision of the CO2 emissions standard regulation for vehicles.

Leveraging on the CO2 emissions reduction only at tailpipe level is not sufficient to ensure the shift to carbon neutral mobility. Without the contribution of sustainable renewable fuels, the CO2 emissions from the EU fleet will not be reduced fast enough to meet the target in 2030 and towards net-zero objective in 2050.

This recommendation aligns with five principles, which are crucial to achieve a carbon neutral road transport sector in Europe:

  • Technology and fuel diversity towards 2050
  • Coupling the efforts for the expansion of the sustainable renewable fuels market with further improvement of vehicle efficiency
  • Enabling a competitive, sustainable market till 2050
  • Integrating a growing rate of renewables in the market to practice the circular economy while seizing industrial opportunities
  • System affordability

The signatories of this joint letter represent a crucial part of the automotive, fuel, energy industry and civil society in Europe, i.e. a combined force behind the transformation of EU mobility towards climate neutrality in a smart and sustainable way.

A full letter is available here: Joint letter_Inclusion of sustainable renewable fuels in the EU mobility legislation_20201130